Bloom Enhancers and Supplements
Choose the product options firstB-52 plant tonic is the only hydroponics B vitamins formula that contains the special array of B vitamins and other ingredients your plants need for max survival and production.
Choose the product options firstB-52 plant tonic is the only hydroponics B vitamins formula that contains the special array of B vitamins and other ingredients your plants need for max survival and production.
Choose the product options firstYour plants' roots are like buried treasure when you discover how easy it is to maximize their function and to achieve optimum harvests. You take care of your roots by utilizing their ability to form symbiotic relationships with beneficial fungi and bacteria. These relationships help your roots intake nutrients. Beneficial microbes break down old root material, and provide nutrition. On top of that, microbes provide aeration so oxygen can reach further to penetrate more into roots. They also capture nitrogen and help make phosphorus more available, which you are aware of as essential, major nutrients for your plants. Given that beneficial microbes contribute to a more natural, better-functioning root zone environment, what is the best way to place beneficial microbes into the hydroponics root zone? To answer this question, Advanced Nutrients scientists conducted a multi-phase research project to create beneficial microbes that give VooDoo Juice that the following documented plusses for your garden: * Maximum-development of roots on your seedlings, transplants and clones * Your roots have enhanced branching, root density, root mass * Enhanced efficiency of nutrient intake, saving you time and money * Maximize growth and flowering
Choose the product options firstThe latest news in your world of hydroponics is now you can enhance growth while at the same time promote flowering. In the past, you've triggered your plants' genetic clock by suddenly shifting them to a 12-hour light cycle and changing them over to bloom fertilizer. All this is useful, but scientists have discovered something else you can also do. The secret is to provide your plants specially-configured forms of potassium carbonate, potassium phosphate, potassium sulfate and co-factors during the first two weeks of bloom phase.
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0-0-0.4 SAFEGUARD YOUR HYDROPONICS INVESTMENT BY PUTTING A COAT OF ARMOR ON YOUR PLANTS RIGHT NOW! That element is silica, which is the second most abundant element in the earth's crust (oxygen is the most prevalent), but guess what? Silica is missing from hydroponics root zones and fertilizers. This is a cause of concern because your plants desperately need silica. They evolved to intake it so it becomes part of their cell walls. That's important because cells are the building blocks of your plants and cell walls are the structural features that determine the strength of your plants' stems, leaves, flowers, floral structures and metabolism. Not only do your plants accumulate silicon to build their cells, they also store it as foundational support between cells. In fact, your plants contain as much as 10% of their weight as silica. There's a catch, however-silica isn't supplied at all in most hydroponics fertilizers or root zone media, and even if it is, it usually isn't the right type or amount of silica to maximize silica's benefits. If you've tried other silica products, you discover that most hydroponics manufacturers have found it difficult if not impossible to effectively deliver silica to your crops. You can see why that is. Silica is the main element in sand. It is very thick and solid. It doesn't easily dissolve in water. It isn't easily taken into plants. The scientists who created Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin knew all this before they started the product design and testing process. That's why they experimented with many different types of silica, as well as different concentrations and manufacturing methods. They found that the form of potassium silicate used in Rhino Skin produced the highest crop silicate percentages.